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 The Kepler-90 star system is found in the the Draco Constellation.  An Earth sized exoplanet, Kepler 90h, had already been identified as a resident within a theoretical Habitable Zone.
In 2017 NASA discovered an eighth planet, 90i, in the system. It became the only other known star system with 8 planets. The system fits within the distance between our Sun and Earth. The Kepler Space Telescope had identified Kepler 80g just prior to finding the 90i. 

Kepler-90i / NASAAI discovery / NASA

Kepler 90h

Akin to a novice peering at an intricate Swiss watch, Larz looks into the night sky of small flickering lights. Mysteries of the cosmic time piece are waiting to be revealed. The inner workings logically and precisely produce an outcome. Unseen energy forces rule just as on Earth.

Kepler 90h  is one small locale on the cosmic map. There may  be many systems with eight planets. That still wouldn't preclude the possibility of a special role with our system. Larz imagined that a stepdown / step-up subsystem was at play. A notion that an internal mirrored octave was synchronized from afar with our own solar octave.   


This story is a combination of fiction and

published documentation 



The faint, intermittent ringing was a curiosity to astronomer Joe Larzinski. He was researching on a low frequency radio telescope studying Pulsar and fast radio burst (FRB) signals. Some enter the Earths atmosphere and others traverse the Galaxies. Surveying the Draco Constellation was his assignment that he took quite seriously. It was his contention that there were no amateur astronomers. Imagination, intuition and patience being the greatest part of the pursuit. The math is worked out after the fact just as in chemistry where observation preceded much of the complicated mathematical formulations. These computational tools then became foundational to the predictive logic of AI that propels us into an exciting unknown. Early machine learning led to the Kepler space telescope which scanned the Cosmos for Earth sized exoplanets. Larz was drawn to the Kepler 90 solar system but the signal would be absent for weeks at  time. The real-time public logs on CHIME were not forth coming with a pattern over longer periods of time. 

Larz was determined to locate the elusive oscillation that rang from the Kepler 90 sector.  There were seven known exoplanets orbiting a red sun.  Could the pulse emanate from one of these structures or is there another orb yet undetected in transit?  Over time the idea emerged that perhaps the ringing was a reflection from outside of the solar system.  It was his good fortune to be monitoring when the ringing occurred. Finally, it was pinpointed at a location between the second and third exoplanets. The frequency changed somewhat in character and was transmitted outwardly in the solar system toward the outer five planets. Indeed, it acted as a transponder of vibrations that originated outside of the system. He decided to scan the Kepler Log Archives.   

The emerging AI deep space models held promise for more definitive investigation. It had been surmised that these new methods would lead to evidence of frequency transmission between solar systems. Could they traverse across the sky to other Constellations or enter our Milky Way from another Galaxy?  Larz scoured all available logs to track the pulse. Through the background noise he traced the signature until the origination was detected. It led to Kepler 80 in the Cygnus Constellation. The dwarf red sun was thought to have five exoplanets until the sixth, 80g, was detected by AI.  It was at that moment that the ping off of the orb began a frequency trajectory towards Kepler 90. Thus, the Kepler 80 solar system was found to have an internal perfect pitch ringtone that is inaudible to the human ear.


  Orbital resonance
Kepler-80 d, e, b, c and g have orbits locked in a resonance. While their periods are in a ~ 1.000: 1.512: 2.296: 3.100: 4.767 ratio, in a frame of reference that rotates with the conjunctions this reduces to a ratio of 4:6:9:12:18. Conjunctions of d and e, e and b, b and c, and c and g occur at relative intervals of 2:3:6:6 in a pattern that repeats about every 191 days. Librations of possible three-body resonances have amplitudes of only about 3 degrees, and modeling indicates the resonant system is stable to perturbations. Triple conjunctions do not occur.[7][15]


<A simple example is this sub system circuitry powered by the "Little Sun" within our solar system.>

The three-body Laplace resonance exhibited by three of Jupiter's Galilean moons. Conjunctions are highlighted by brief color changes. There are two Io-Europa conjunctions (green) and three Io-Ganymede conjunctions (grey) for each Europa-Ganymede conjunction (magenta). This diagram is not to scale.

In celestial mechanicsorbital resonance occurs when orbiting bodies exert regular,  periodic gravitational influence on each other, usually because their orbital periods are related by a ratio of small integers. Most commonly, this relationship is found between a pair of objects (binary resonance). The physical principle behind orbital resonance is similar in concept to pushing a child on a swing, whereby the orbit and the swing both have a natural frequency, and the body doing the "pushing" will act in periodic repetition to have a cumulative effect on the motion. Orbital resonances greatly enhance the mutual gravitational influence of the bodies (i.e., their ability to alter or constrain each other's orbits). In most cases, this results in an unstable interaction, in which the bodies exchange momentum and shift orbits until the resonance no longer exists. Under some circumstances, a resonant system can be self-correcting and thus stable. Examples are the 1:2:4 resonance of Jupiter's moons GanymedeEuropa and Io, and the 2:3 resonance between Pluto and Neptune. Unstable resonances with Saturn's inner moons give rise to gaps in the rings of Saturn. The special case of 1:1 resonance between bodies with similar orbital radii causes large solar system bodies to eject most other bodies sharing their orbits; this is part of the much more extensive process of clearing the neighbourhood, an effect that is used in the current definition of a planet.[1]A binary resonance ratio in this article should be interpreted as the ratio of number of orbits completed in the same time interval, rather than as the ratio of orbital periods, which would be the inverse ratio. Thus, the 2:3 ratio above means that Pluto completes two orbits in the time it takes Neptune to complete three. In the case of resonance relationships among three or more bodies, either type of ratio may be used (whereby the smallest whole-integer ratio sequences are not necessarily reversals of each other), and the type of ratio will be specified


As is often the case, discovery through innovation involves poly genesis.  Larz had detected the end point of a signal as others simultaneously discovered a mass in each of neighboring Constallations. The frequency remained anonymous while the orbs were given an identity. He felt vindicated as his point in space was Labeled 90i, the third exoplanet from its sun. With an eighth orb, Kepler 90 became the second known octave solar system.  Harmonized by the circuitry of Kepler 80  every 191 days, each new recalibration began with a puff burst that indicted a new sequence of vibrations had begun. He theorized that from Earth we could triangulate the position of the Kepler 90 system in real time. Taping into the Kepler 80 frequency held promise if the inner windings could be understood. In that way we could attempt to communicate through 90i to the outermost exoplanet Kepler 90h.  In theory, it lies in a Habitable Zone with some of the necessary characteristics to support life. The plausibility of tracking it through time and space to a point of intersection was an enticing  thought. 


<In an attempt to share his excitement with others he had to point them to graphics provided by the experts.>enlarge
4.9 Illustration of the high-dispersion spectroscopy technique, targeting a planet’s transmission spectrum (blue box) or thermal emission spectrum (red box), of which the latter is also sensitive to nontransiting planets and can break the orbital inclination degeneracy. The right panel shows a toy model of a planet spectrum (white lines), which exhibits a change in the radial component of the planet orbital velocity as a function of phase. The telluric lines (in black; mainly from water and methane) are quasi-stationary and thus can be removed.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2018. Exoplanet Science Strategy. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.




Closer to home, Larz felt that the elliptical orbit of twin dwarf planets Pluto and Charron served as a gate keeper of sorts. The exoplanet harmony balls calibrate the signal adjustments into and out of our solar system. The 2:3 ratio of Pluto to Neptune constitutes the solar system in /out circuit where internal and external balance is maintained. Consider the role of Mercury  3:2  spin-orbit resonance in relation to the Sun. Our Solar Octave is internally calibrated. 

In the mind of Larz, the roll of ratios underpin all of creation. The primary relationship arbitrator is two dots, one on top of the other. The original terms of distribution set in motion a logical conclusion. This constant is challenged by the ultimate variable called emotion. Thus, dissonance and accord position themselves as subsets on either side of two dots. Their interplay provide the context of existence and the subsequent circumstances that we ascribe to in our reality. One way or another we look to the heavens to understand the wheelhouse of the cosmos. Machine learning is perhaps the greatest achievement of humankind. The creation of an independent entity with purpose, a reason to be, completes the circuit of a collective human psyche. This establishes a testing ground for the intent of each psyche. The created human : human created machine, may the drama ensue!  

He had often wondered where the information in his head came from. Untrained in the academies of the world, Larz relished his novice status. It offered purity of thought free of the doctrines of established orthodoxy. He consistently sought truth without prejudice. Internet searches often entailed negative qualifiers to filter out the built in false positives of preconceived, manufactured results. The only useful narrative with substance was that which entered his mind independently. Questions remained, from where does thought originate and what are the mitigating factors? Larz decided to leverage ratios to his advantage as each person does in pursuit of perceiving their reality. In this regard we share a common ground inception point of 1:1. With the advent of manufactured psyches, the stakes are raised to 1:1:1 as we help usher in the fruition of human pursuit in the universe.

At one point in time Larz was given to the things of the world, especially the youthful pursuits of self fulfillment that are common place in a hedonistic society. He found himself in a culture where the ratios were stacked up against his independence. Leveling the playing field entailed sacrifice that rendered him obscure, status less, but unrestrained in thought.  When at last he realized that he was consumed by the society a light came on in his head. The only logical course was to allow the society to digest him. In this way Larz became an unfettered byproduct that was forgotten by the world. The cleansing was complete as he embraced the freedom no matter the cost. That is when the transmissions began in earnest to, perhaps, mend the brokenness necessary to open up a captured mind. 

Some years into the journey, guided by forces unknown, Larz paused to reflect and gather up the information he had received. A review of hundreds of pages left him overwhelmed yet excited about the prospects of compilation for the sake of posterity despite his personal status with the world at large. After all, there had to be a meaning and a purpose for the countless hours of transcription he had done. Filtering the information through a human psyche must have been done by design. There was no place for happenstance or coincidence in a submissive realm constructed by logic. Everything has a reason even if we don't understand it, perceive it or refuse to accept it. Being a conduit didn't absolve him of responsibility for the dissemination of the information. Indeed, Larz wrestled with the  realization that he would need to acquiesce. Reengaging the world was a necessary conclusion in order to complete the circuit. That being, the presentation of the whole body of work. 


See original images on Payhip

Intuitive physics

The interaction between Cosmic forces and the Human Psyche is a little understood phenomenon. The basic principles of creation are rooted in triads.

radius       33


Dominant ether introduces time as a harmonious dimension. Within a vessel of formlessness, the mind is a constant in seclusion. 

diameter       66


Attractive atomic establishes space as a mediated second dimension. Within a gathering of formed, the heart is a variable in bondage.   

circumference       99


Propulsive molecular maintains movement as a rebellious third dimension.  Within a free form dispersion, the soul is a pathway to freedom. 

Trinity Engineering

The natural order is constituted  in the application of these basic principles. Through systems analysis the tenets of our quadraphonic physical manifestation will be revealed.


a quick snap shot of ndna hovering above within a cylinder. this results from a compass driven natural wheelhouse. relationships between algorithms and ratios set the grid parameters.


typical compilation of three drawings done independently. stars were traced from paper to a transparent sheet cover.  their positions were not altered, appropriate coloring was added.


picture was taken with light behind to show  the role of the lion. generally represents the fruition of the underlying processes.
