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geometric space

As strands of a rope the myriad human psyches intertwine. A world of convention and compliance are the fly wheels that use the ropes indiscriminately. Larz was one of the frayed edges that naturally dislodged.  Such chaff is not usually a threat because of the lack of access to technology. Yet the internet has proven to be the great equalizer. Challenges to the status quo float unchecked in cyber space despite their best efforts. For those who seek universal truth the internet cloud is a double edged sword. Engaging the system necessarily creates exposure for the user. Firewalls and  VPN defense can help but ultimately the machine level platform is identifiable. The MAC address (Media Access Control) is a 12 character machine  identifier for network access.   

A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.
enlarge       Natural formation processes


 In the case of Larz, access, or lack of, to any and all human systems had no bearing upon his imagination. Even while driving the car inspiration would manifest and be scribbled onto an available receipt. He would ponder network constructs and plot how they organically exhibit. It became evident that others weren't given the information and freedom of thought that he had.  He was shown that most people shared the manufactured reality set by the powers that be.  Having no other point of reference was not their fault to a large degree. Attempts must be made by authority to bottle up the spirit of humanity. A safe, insular space for the isolated psyche to reside. Obviously, the mind of Larz was not mired in the cobwebs of artificial worldly complexities. He sought pure simplicity.

A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.
enlarge        basic 369 concept

Perhaps a simplistic application of systems analysis is valid. Cones within the flower of life spill out the creative forces. The product  reveals some artifacts of the natural order. This construct represents the core of redundancy.  Larz sent the seed circuit to his friend who was also curious about creation.   

Larz: please consider this note that came to me waiting in the car the other day. I was pondering a neural network with sand dollar capacitors. 

Shep: thank you  for another diagram to add to my collection. the idea of this being a stem cell is intriguing. could this concept be an over simplification?  Wouldn't science  

Temperature and spin

listing some of the basic principles on a paper is all well and good. but he wanted to know what they look like when they move. after all, we live in a world of motion. it preceded us and will continue with or without us. it is movement that starts to reveal the complex interaction between basic tenants. He jotted down what was in his head from reading and contemplation.

Differentiation is surmised to be the primary force created by the conditions described. the entire system is more a function of high and low pressure facilitating the process. heat and cold are the catalysts used to control the system. spin is a result of the inherent movement found in nature.  

there is a space interplay between energy and matter. energy is held in space as a constant. a mostly invisible force that harbors the steady state. matter is the variable operand.  through spin a matter baseline is inherently achieved. the spin role is that of  an antagonist producer. temperature is the protagonist mediator as it facilitates spin through the modulation of vibration. it remained to be seen if these ideas amounted to anything more than fantasy. 

A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.
enlarge        underlying principles note


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