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molecular drift

The world is a dichotomy of internal constants and external change  Societal trends and fads are in an endless state of flux. Meantime, the inner workings of every biological unit and man made infrastructure are finely tuned. Precise and unceasing parameters are maintained to provide the basis for life.  The broad stroke of a brush paints the fickle and selfish individual onto a canvas contrived by innate cultural bias. Navigating the world is an exercise in sometimes faulty use of free will.  Each molecular entity is adrift on the creative  cosmic fluid.  

Within the cozy confines of a Christian oriented society an atheist feels free to blast against the concept of God. Such counter culture types thrive in an environment that will adamantly push back. There is no end to the levels of emotion that they elevate to. Their quest to invalidate God cauterizes their common sense. The blunted psyche is blind to the concept of neutrality. It is the agnostic that is the true atheist because they do not care. It is emotion that ultimately drives community affairs.  Just enough logic exists in the society at large to keep the trajectory of human endeavor true to the will of God.    

These observations became more clear to Larz when a cycle of moral decline set more firmly into the culture. This is when the fabric of the Judeo-Christian society is stretched thin. Those who stand in opposition to God are exposed by the veneer of their propositions. A realization sets in that there is little opposition to the dark forces except the concept of God. Then when the walls come crashing down they finally know that God is real. The denial pivot point is a thorn in their side, self-betrayed by flawed logic.  For some, submission is not an option due to arrogance so the frauds drift into oblivion.

The mind of Larz went to a world unfettered by the status quo. Holding that all human pursuits are in vain, he lost himself adrift in nebulous concepts. Or is this the undeniable, a logical construct progressing across the universe? As usual, he cobbled together independently rendered  drawings. Two transparent sheets were put on a base. Placement was not altered. The stars fell on the plane lay lines they were destined to be on.  A vertically stacked Solar Octave is the culmination of the underlying principles.

A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.
enlarge       Natural formation processes


The flower of life is a visible manifestation of the chiral tube. Accepted science has long grappled with the notion of an obtuse, awkward angle dominating physical manifestation. The use of fractions to justify the parts with the whole of nature is a testament to this idea. A path cutting across the graphene accounts for the many dimensions of the material world. When  pigment interacts within the grid zigzag (3) and armchair (6) the result is a chiral  product (9). So too, the the atomic and sub atomic molecular constituents traverse as an orderly group across the etheric universe.      

Into a worm hole he went, once again. What are some of the components and levels of dimensionality within the flower of life? Peering into the abyss is not for the faint of heart as Larz was well aware.  The Biblical associations are troubling to some people of The Faith and even more offensive to the atheist. On the flip side, many scientists hovel in a cocoon of impotent agnostics. A self imposed fictional purgatory from which there is no escape. Fortunately, the fate of our pursuits rests not on the reasoning of man. The scriptures say that the wisdom of man is foolishness to God. 

A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.
enlarge       composition agents

Photons are the light of God to energize all of his creation. They are the part of ether that we can detect. As electromagnetic waves, they have a frequency that serves as the medium that particles vibrate in. Larz sent the trumpeting concept to his friend.

Larz:   Please accept this note as a novice visualization of a few of the base components of the flower of life. They ride on and coalesce in the photonic continuum.    

Shirley:   Thank you for the drawings and for the opportunity to comment on your work. 
You have assembled what looks like a vertical music scale. So this is how the world is sung into existence?  

Larz:  Yes, in part. The drawing conveys balanced circuitry. A natural battery of congregated positives and negatives.. 

Shirley:   So how does the  9369  6 369 relate to the scale? It Iooks to be a sort of shorthand that represents the nDNA. 

Larz:  They are derived through number reduction. For instance, E (Mi) is the healing frequency at 528 hz. This resident signal is deposited regionally as phosphorus (15) which coordinates with the cosmic 6.    

Shirley:   Your analogy of cold wax and hot iron is intriguing. It is so simple and balanced with opposing forces. 

Larz:  I'm glad you like it, just floated into my brain. I suspect that the cold vacuum is an ether wick. The hot flame is an end product in our realm as remnants go back into ether. The two opposing systems work together in juxtaposition. Opposites attract.

Temperature and spin

Some of the etheric forces behind nDNA movement are demonstrated in the drawing shown. Larz was curious about how the water molecule is constructed. One Oxygen atom is associated with two Hydrogen atoms to form the molecule, They are connected by covalent bonds. The angle of attachment is 104.45 degrees. That is the open space from one H to the other H on the right. The placement of the stars on his favorite nDNA model looked familiar. He put a protractor from the outer star to the inner star on the zero plane. The other star was 33 degrees away from their position. He came to think of this as a 33 degree retograde relative to the center star. 

Larz drew circles showing the hole and its three  parts. A double octave of thesis and synthesis work together like a serpentine belt. The balance of antithesis links the dimensional transferences.  Physicality then is achieved and maintained through the three octaves.

Hydrogen can be seen dancing around the oxygen. Playing a tune familiar with the entity it is engaging. The life giving role of this substance in the world is quite amazing. As he sifted through the scientifically accepted information it became clear that this system has in internal driving force.   

A complex of vortex surface tension drives came to him while studying the picture. This seemed to support the antithesis / physicality relationship. It provides the dynamic impetus to spawn the physical. Hot and cold have roles that are consistent. 

It is interesting to considering the internal circles as percentages. Together they compose 99 percent.  The 1 percent of nature concept arose from a brief study of the worlds systems. Larz was fascinated by the idea that some are actually .9 which leaves .1 for the next dimension. The neutral center holds such numbers in reserve as a portal. 

Eventually, Larz drifted back into the realm of physicality. The press of opposing social norms some how made a little more sense. A dichotomy of spirit and flesh cohabitate within each person. The collective conscience meanders down a cosmic path that is little understood.  

A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.
enlarge        underlying principles note


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