zero measurement
Seems like it was in the fall of 2007 when Larz did an entity drawing off the top of his head. The session took an evening and is incomplete to this day. It involved the assumption that the numbers 1 x 144 constituted a space to exist in. In essence, zero is the product of the numbers within. What ensued was a breakdown of the nature of numbers like he had not seen before. It was an attempt to visualize how they work together to empower the container. An organic construct emerged that he found intriguing.
While cooking dinner one night, Larz shared the drawing with a young Shirley. He ran through the idea of the container powered by a lightening bolt that in turn moved three circles to drive the vortex engine. A switching station inside directs the flow of the algorithms which are conveyed dimensionally to the octave. One circle is hydrogen and two circles is oxygen. The physical entity then is the beneficiary of the inner forces. This applied to everything from a drop of water to a human body. The 5 year old listened attentively to his quick overview.
She studied it for a couple of minutes as he turned to the stove, Soon he glanced over at the table where she stood. His first thought was a negative what did you do? That is when he realized that she was gifted with extra intuition. Larz praised her for completing the drawing as he was stuck on whether the circle was on the inside or outside of the cylinder. Was the h for hydrogen or, as it happened, it was her first and favorite letter to draw. The boldness and precision of the circle was impressive to him as she was firm in conviction yet also very humble.
It was habitual that Larz would break down everything to the ridiculous. The search for simplicity was a common theme that often led to new complication. Some modern scientists relegate number theories to the status of numerology. Mixed messages abound concerning the nature and roles of the metaphysical digits. Intuitively he knew that a true base concept was active within the creative processes. He was dismayed by the stubborn bias that opposing viewpoints maintained. Each camp rallied around their construct.
One night when contemplating, Larz returned to the question. He asked again what the fundamental role of numbers could be. In stead of searching the net he used the default method. System analysis came natural to him. Lay out what you already think to be true and build from there. This one took a few tweaks as information needed to filter through over time. When he became somewhat satisfied with the product it was time to share, ready or not.
Shirley: Thx for the latest installment. Did you see this breakdown of numbers some where?
Larz: Yea, in my head. sometimes a concentration occurs that yields these renditions. The brain seems to drill down into the most economical, practical state. You bump into where the next dimension resides.
Shirley: So this is a list of jobs for the numbers inside the algorithm. I assume the longhand is regional.
Larz: That is true. The cosmic shorthand links through regional to the local to complete the circuit. Because essence is held in the neutral center of each entity.
Shirley: The work of the container and the process is to facilitate a circumference?
Larz: Basically, yes. Established parameters constitute a vessel for the entity. Each number has a role in expansion and contraction. What do you make of the matrix drawing?
Shirley: It looks like a calibration dial to trace plot lines. The 3 6 9 flow through is consistent with the other models.
Larz: It is a peek inside the CNT as well.
Number pairs and circumference
Larz made an assumption that delineations on the periphery would yield a map of the inner forces. Apparently he was looking for more work for the numbers to do. The expanded 1/6 section showed placement of the interior (creative) and exterior (created) 3 6 9 along the algorithm trek. The 6/6 circumference was a product of radial 1 x 6 strings of 24. He pictured that space for the numbers contracted unduly moving toward the center. So he gazed into the flat picture until the center was far down in a tube. The continuum was a familiar characterization that presented the number streams as thread into infinity. There was a space interplay between energy and matter. energy is held in space as a constant. a mostly invisible force that harbors the steady state.
Circuit 144 was what he settled upon for a reference. It was early on in the development path but he was keen to the digital associations. Larz sought various ways to interpret the same basic principles. Each rendition revealed aspects that dove tailed into previous findings.
After number reduction, the pairs of numbers were evaluated. The derivatives were the inside game of the greater circuit. It could be seen that 3 6 9 facilitates a cosmic flow through process. Some would say that this over simplification has no real scientific meaning. He returned again to the notion that mainstream clung to. Diameter x 3.14 gives the circumference. He preferred to view it as Radius x 6.28 yields the circumference.
The true root (algorithmic string) was found in the radius. Diameter was merely a product of doubling the root. A starting point of diameter as the root would not lead to this construct. With a cleaver slight of hand, the worldly focus of calculation precludes the possibility of true cosmic understanding.
Larz took heart that the source of his ideas was above that of the world. Imaginative freedom could not be taken for granted as the system expected compliance. Silently endeavoring offered an internal solace. Besides, he saw the hint of a switching station in side the movement of paired numbers.