zero measurement
Seems like it was in the fall of 2007 when Larz did an entity drawing off the top of his head. The session took an evening and was left incomplete. Not all of the associations were given to him at that time. The exercise involved an assumption that the numbers 1 x 144 constituted a space for an entity to exist in. The 1 was a radial identifier while the 144 was a circumferential product. The number interplay inside represented the character of the circuit. The small central space within was recognized as a zero. In essence, instruction was derived from that "empty space". What ensued was a breakdown of the nature of numbers like he had not seen before. It was an attempt to visualize how they worked together to empower the container. An organic construct emerged that he found intriguing.
While cooking dinner one night, Larz shared the drawing with a young Shirley. He ran through the idea of the container powered by a lightening bolt that in turn moved three circles to drive the vortex engine. A switching station inside directed the flow of the algorithms which were conveyed dimensionally to the octave. One circle was hydrogen and two circles was oxygen. The physical entity then was the beneficiary of the inner forces. He explained that the model applied to everything from a drop of water to a human body. The 5 year old listened attentively to his quick overview. At the end of his spiel he had posed the questions that had led to the incomplete drawing. Mostly, he had been stuck on whether the circle should be on the inside or outside of the cylinder. There were good reasons for both and ultimately they might both be true.
She studied it for a couple of minutes as he turned to the stove, Soon he glanced over at the table where she stood. His first thought was a negative, what did you do? She had written on the drawing. That was when he realized that she was gifted with extra intuition. She gazed at him with her usual shy smile. Still holding the pencil, she glanced back down at the paper. She was looking for approval of her purposeful addition to the drawing. She was very intentional about helping because there were no random scribbles. Her engagement with the numbers and symbols seemed innate. She looked back up. His heart melted. Such an innocent picture of acceptance she was. Larz, of course was exuberant in his praise of her completion of the drawing. It was her choice of construct that his later drawings sought to prove out. The placement of the h intrigued him as well. He had mentioned that the water was made of hydrogen and oxygen and those were the symbols she added. It so happened that h was her first and favorite letter to draw. Thus, with two simple strokes of a pencil she proved her genius. The boldness and precision of the circle and the line was so impressive to him. She was firm in conviction yet also very sweet and humble. He would play out that vivid scene in his head countless times over the years.
It was amazing to Larz how one moment in time could be so significant. The experience lingered with him as he realized that life itself was composed of a string of moments. So, he sought to be as intentional as possible. It had become habitual that Larz would break down everything to the ridiculous. He always considered the opposite of what was presented to him by the world. Such juxtaposition offered clarity off choice and consequence. For instance, he sought balance when searching for the positives in a negative situation. In machine like fashion he would endeavor to ascertain the truths of existence. He instinctively searched for simplicity as a common theme. As the world goes, that often led to new complication. That was when he embarked upon defining what the primary single digits represented. He had seen that mixed messages abounded concerning the nature and roles of the metaphysical digits. Intuitively he knew that a true base concept was active within the creative processes. He was dismayed by the stubborn bias that opposing viewpoints maintained. Each camp rallied around their construct.

One night when contemplating, Larz returned to the question. He asked again about the fundamental role of numbers. Instead of searching the net he used his default method. Systems analysis came natural to him. He would lay out what he already thought to be true and build from there. The exercise took on a life of its own. He was patient as the information filtered through over time. When he became somewhat satisfied with the product it was time to share, ready or not.
Shirley: Thx for the latest installment. Did you see this breakdown of numbers some where?
Larz: Yes, in my head. Sometimes a concentration occurs that yields these renditions. The brain seems to drill down into the most economical, practical state. You end up bumping into where the next dimension resides.
Shirley: So this is a list of jobs for the numbers inside the algorithm. I assume the longhand is regional.
Larz: That is true. The cosmic shorthand links through regional to the local to complete the circuit. Because essence is held in the neutral center of each entity.
Shirley: The work of the container and the process is to facilitate a circumference?
Larz: Basically, yes. Established parameters constitute a vessel for the entity. Each number has a role in expansion and contraction. What do you make of the matrix drawing?
Shirley: It looks like an archaic 19th C calibration dial to trace plot lines. The 3 6 9 flow through is consistent with the other models.
Larz: It is a peek inside the CNT as well.
Number pairs and circumference
He imagined that his standard large zero represented the dynamic circuitry of an individual matrix. It was early on in the development path of the concept. Circuit 144 was what he settled upon for a reference. Larz did get a kick out of naming what came into his mind. He felt it was legitimate to do so because he had never seen such a representation. It could have been done and named before but he was innocently ignorant. It would be counter productive to waste time with searches to verify or nullify. He had full confidence that when time was full all truths would be known. That was all that mattered. Experience, information, came through and returned to the ether. He had the upmost confidence in simple numerical sequences. Besides, he was busy sorting through new info that entered in. He became responsible for the building blocks that were revealed.
Larz was keen to the digital associations and sought various ways to interpret the basic recurrent principles. Each rendition revealed aspects that dove tailed into previous findings. He made an assumption that delineations on the periphery could yield a map of the inner forces. Apparently, he was looking for the numbers to do more work. It was determined that the 6/6 circumference was a product of six 1/6 sections. Six pieces of pie, if you will, that constituted a whole. One piece on the model was chosen for calibrations to be filled in. It showed the placement of the interior (creative) and exterior (created) 3 6 9. They operated in balance along the algorithm trek on either side of the membrane . He noted the three octaves that operated linearly across the interior 24 number sequence.
He peered into the 2D drawing to find the circuit breadth and depth that led down into infinity. He decided to look into the hole to see the natural algorithm present itself. Perhaps, then, he could follow back in its wake. The graphene leading edge was considered to be the creative radial 24 number sequence. Using original instruction, he followed a natural number swing to the right that terminated at the 55 degrees angle where physicality dwelled. He traced the delineation back down to the neutral center. The transcription was then mirrored through the creative 66 degree angle. An automated process continued across the other 1/6 sections in circular fashion until it became a 3D envelopment. He gazed down into the tube until it looked like the cross section of a single CNT. Along the path were calibrations of 1 x 6 strings of 24. The continuum was a familiar characterization that presented the number streams as thread into infinity.
Within the stream were many channels from which to choose. He wondered, which were best to focus upon in the current application? He chose to simplify the 144 complex to a string of single digits: 1+2+3=6. That symbolized the base parameters of a created entity. Through number reduction, 6+3+9=9 represented the creative forces within 24+48+72=144. He contended that the derivatives were part of the inside game in the greater circuit. It was thought that 3 6 9 facilitated a cosmic flow through process. Some would say there was no real scientific meaning to such over simplification.
So, he again challenged a baseline calculation that mainstream science clung to. Diameter x 3.14 = the circumference of a circle. He preferred to view it as Radius x 6.28 yielded the circumference. The true root was found in the radius (algorithmic string). Diameter was merely a product of doubling the root. A starting point of diameter as the root would not lead to this construct. With a cleaver slight of hand, the scientific focus of calculation precluded the possibility of true cosmic understanding.
Larz took heart that his ideas were from a source above that of the world. Imaginative freedom could not be taken for granted. Many worldly systems expected total compliance. The common corporate mind ran through rat mazes of their own design. Unaware of alternate realities. Meanwhile, a faint flutter of lattice began to show through his drawing. It remained nebulous enough that he could not develop it. The weave pattern from deep ether prompted him. He made a chart to pair the factors of 144. The reduced number pairs made him think of a switching station. Were these avenues to patch through to other levels? Fibers were laid down with directional intent. Guided by the silence within the zero measurement, the lines were plotted to house internal solace.