take me home
As was often the case, Larz found himself in a state of suspended animation. He cycled through the notion of being alone too much of the time, even in a room full of people. Socializing was interesting to a point but topics of true interest were few and far between. Observing had greater benefits than participation. Watching the freeform of life in this world was an analytical muse. Day dreaming had always been more fun. Letting the imagination run wild produced interesting results. A sense of intentional volition was the guiding force behind the knowledge he sought. A truly open mind is free of the relativity of world view.
Larz was given the idea for Kepler 90h when reading about the use of machine learning in space exploration. There was something drawing him to that sector of the cosmos when reading of the discovery of Kepler 90i. He wrote an introduction that gave a glimpse into his thought processes. The following sketch was done in one session after consumption of some basic pertinent information. It linked concepts that he had read, imagined and felt. A circuit entered his mind that he traced from Kepler 90 through Kepler 80 to Earth and back. The interstellar triangulation felt liberating to him. The path back home was to recognize the native frequency and reunite with it. Thus, an efficient use of the electromagnetic psyche is key to reception.
The mind of Larz was rather preoccupied with the minutia within creative forces. The simple and complex work together to achieve and maintain the world. He recalled the three days he spent in electronics class in 11th grade. The aggregate take on schematics was one of inefficiency. Some seemed unduly complicated with unwarranted redundancy. Like many 1970s students, his desire was for ecologically sound and responsible life styles. The routine use of heat sinks rubbed him the wrong way. The waste of energy was uncool. Intuition told him that there were other means. Theoretically, there were ways to be more efficient through scalability models. He chose to avoid the indoctrination of training in the modern practices. There was a concern about the ability to eventually unlearn bad practices. It was a perilous pursuit to rectify wasteful constructs while possibly loosing yourself. It seemed logical to allow the imagination freedom that might otherwise be lost through brain washing.
Some 40 years later Larz sat down and wrote an over simplistic piece about the nature of Earth energy. It was an amalgamation of unconventional ideas he had been exposed to. True to his principles, these thoughts were possible because of the path he had chosen. His mind could actually feel the expansion that was occurring. Perhaps the cob webs were being cleared out. He pictured a storehouse of physical energy that yearned for the freedom of fluidity.
Shirley: These pics are a lot to take in. So Earth is the power source for your little jaunt across the galaxy?
Larz: The creative impulse from K90 is carried through a K80 refinement that is attracted to the frequency of Earth. A mirrored Impulse emerges as a stepped up carrying signal in search of its source. Oh, that would be yes.
Shirley: My take is that your journey entails the specialties of physical Earth and the spiritual gyroscope.
Larz: Very good. Propulsion and navigation are essential for a successful circuit through time and space.
Shirley: I like being on the gyro model on the lower left. The two way relationship creates a container that then holds a frequency in constant.
Larz: Welcome home. That one is where the Believers reside, good choice. Living in the now allows for sustenance aside from the physical. Re-creation is an ongoing process within the spiritual human circuit.
Shirley: That was unexpected, but thank you. The Believer had chosen the creative frequency. It carries them, alive or passed on, until the dimensional shift which they call judgement day.
Temperature and spin
Like a child with endless questions, Larz sought answers. He knew that many would go unanswered because the universe is full of unknowns. The belief was that the world was a product of opposing forces: dark/light, cold/hot , solid/fluid and internal/external are the short list. Their interplay took him back to the core of his propositions. Creative forces operate as triads that yield a quadriphonic world. Conversely, the natural created world eventually yields itself back to the trinity creator. Computational processes, like decisions, involve an on/off, in/out and if/then to achieve an outcome. His holistic approach was meant to unite the opposing forces of accepted and rejected science. Being a novice insulated him, he had nothing to loose. No credentials to tout or protect. Larz felt no compulsion to defend the information he was given. It was left to the status quo to prove his suppositions to be correct or not.
Thought experiments were his favorite past time. Some were calculated from inception but many were spontaneous. The mind has an amazing ability to develop concepts. Larz had been toying with space travel ideas so he read about the space suit. The juxtaposition of on Earth and in suit had a common factor of liquid cooling. That led to the hypothesis of hydrogen and oxygen interplay in the cooling process.
Some time later Larz was reviewing past work when he came upon the scribblings of that evening. He paused to consider the merits of such a concept. The components involved were powered by an unseen force. He turned to a scripture that cuts to the core of the Believers faith. In the left upper drawing he saw six operatives that sequenced through: up/down left/right, right/left and down/up. An octave of four paired opposing forces showed perfect balance.
As usual, the somewhat esoteric approach to investigation led to a more involved model. He drilled down the inner processes to the frequencies of the Solfeggio scale. The three dimensional circuit that emerged was captivating. Application of the Just Intonation brought warmth to the construct. Larz wondered about applying these ideas to other scriptures in the book of the Believers.