gyro pulse
Larz questioned, would he be endlessly stuck repeating the same processes? the dimensions kept emerging, seemingly in all things in all ways. so many categories that rely upon the same blindingly simple principles. could the base process behind natural formation ever be understood? it seemed that the pursuit of creative forces would end with no new knowledge of the unknown. like a dark cloud hanging over his head, the many ways to say the same thing grew cliché. yet, new applications emerged spontaneously that sparked the wellspring within that brought new joy. a lone journey continued that he shared with very few people.
The thought experiment shown below involved what he liked to call a solfeggio gyroscope, shown in notes-1f. He spent an evening dreaming and drawing the action that presented itself within his minds eye. It was an extension of gyro stability into multiple dimensional levels. The doubled was doubled again to manifest as an nDNA complex. From our perspective the vortex movement, and its results, look like a form of organized chaos. The natural pump continues because of a pulse emanating from the neutral center. Essence is introduced with a puff that establishes a periphery marker. To look inside the circuit was a satisfying exercise. He watched the marker return to its origin, only to be dispatched to the outer limits once again. .
Lag naturally existed with the jettisoned heavier particles. Their coalescence increased with the addition of each successive pair. Collectively they slowed until the final state of molecular. The stationary end state was essentially coagulated raw material. It was the stuff that humans subsequently dismembered in manufacturing processes. The reuse of original constituents accounted for much of the quadriphonic fabricated world. An internal 3 6 9 model was the cosmic triad digital motor. The philosophical functional unit conveyed three states of being. Their distinct roles organized the analog circuit. Resonance was found to be the result of predictable vibration.
As Larz understood it, the role of a circuit was to promote the completion of a task. A potentiality baseline allowed for the use of orchestrated interrupts in the pursuit of its purpose. The end state was a reunion with the beginning to resolve its role in dimension. Identity was an occupation of relative condition. The circumstance was based upon positioning relative to its intended use. A specific level and placement was occupied by design. The autonomous individual units operated within the creative triad formation. Logical conclusions, then, could be traced back to their origin through deductive reasoning.
The application of systems analysis revealed some underpinnings of the natural order. Amalgamation was the result of the creative forces of our quadrilateral world of physicality. As the role of the three in one developed, physicality came into view. Generally, Larz would seek logic when attempting to convey a description of what he saw. It reminded him of the first time seeing a hologram. The 3D images were in motion and it was like when you peer into a mesmerizing oscilloscope. It was in the summer of 1967 at the Chicago observatory. Larz felt that he had seen such a thing in a dream or vision. A native of Indiana, he had lived his early years in an area that was a hot bed for UFO sightings. That was in the early to mid '60s when a rash of sightings had been documented. Was the time and place of his experience on purpose?

Meanwhile, it was a pleasure to see how concepts came together of their own accord. The logic was almost juicy because it cut to the heart of the triangulated nature of creative processes. So many angles were covered there in the study of interconnectivity. Could these principles point to an internal engine that would power all of known creation? The answer may reside in those circuits. Larz considered the Aspects document as the nuts and bolts of the trinity engineering theory.
Shirley: Looks like creation breaks down to 3 6 9 in many ways. You must think long and hard to find such associations. Good thing you aren't obsessed by it.
Larz: Oh, but I am. I'm stuck with talking their process without being able to identify their internal elements. We are stuck in a realm that barely allows us to watch what they do. The ultimate enigma is, perhaps, a triumvirate riddle,
Shirley: True, but the logical constructs you present are a good starting point in your quest. Could we ever figure out the how and the why?
Larz: Maybe not, but what if this pursuit of understanding is in itself our destiny? Sometimes I feel bogged down with detail that doesn't seem to yield ideas of substance.
Shirley: Well, it appears that the Composite Circuit is an active construct while the Functional Unit is static. They are simply different ways to characterize the same phenomenon. Is that fair to say?
Larz: Sure is, I enjoy your ability to break things down into simple terms. Actually, I'm quite taken by the cohesiveness of the constructs. It always comes down to fluid energy and solid matter.
Shirley: Your efforts aren't wasted. Just remember that many scientists have beaten a path that found no end in their life time.
Temperature and spin
Differentiation was surmised to be the primary force created by the conditions described in the image below. The entire system shows the predominance of high and low pressure in facilitating the processes. Heat and cold were the catalysts used to control the system. A tenuous balance was maintained between the extremes in the operating fields of compromise. Spin was a result of the inherent movement and interplay found in nature. Larz was interested in cross referencing the basic tenants of natural energy.
One evening Larz was pondering the work of Keeley. So he jotted down some of his base ideas to consolidate the information. He freelanced along the way as the ideas were toyed with. The exercise was one of analyzing natural juxtaposition.
These ideas simplify the general state of our material world. That was when Larz began to see the root of energy forces. The initial impetus was vibration which yielded light. The second was establishing the extreme limits or modulation zone. Thirdly, separation was maintained as a container of our experience. He looked at a binary world of fluid and solid. Gas was considered a transitional state in the company of fluid. Water had a unique and separate designation as the only true liquid. The hydrogen and oxygen molecule was held as the true life blood of organic constructs.
He proposed a world where the protagonist was in a suspended void. The antagonist was a vibrating agent of change in a natural state of motion. Picture a sail boat coursing across the lake. It moves with the use of invisible fuel. To harness it involves the tactical use of resistance. The freeform wind provided clues to the information he sought.
In the end, Larz was sold on the ideas of Keeley. So many of the propositions aligned with natural intuition. The favorite base concept was: Matter is energy in bondage and energy is liberated matter. Mainstream science generally ignored Keeley. His findings were dismissed as invalid notions. That did not deter Larz from considering those principles. The so called fallacies of self definition were seen as a challenge to overcome. A pursuit to understand the dichotomy of created entities continued. It fueled his mind to dig deeper into the meta world within.