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geometric space

Larz had been a fan of geometry since childhood. His doodling often involved cube variations that elongate and curve. Twelve simple lines that define space in multiple ways. When you focus on certain lines the box can be seen as an internal or external drawing. Peering into the cube he could watch the aspect change randomly as his stare deepened.  Placing an object on one of the planes helped to define the space. 

 As an adult, he found more sophisticated ways to look at the geometric shapes.  During the early 2000's Larz did a random search for information involving   Schauberger  who was a self trained physicist. The upper third of the image shown is an excerpt from a natural energy symposium from that period. The lower two thirds were spawned from his imagination. Logical inner characteristics of thirds emerged that he found very compelling. True to his instincts, Larz read only this blurb from the lengthy  pdf . It was enough to stir his imagination. Extending  these base principles into worldly constructs was best served through intuition. There was no curiosity about the findings of others . Eventually these applications will be proven true or not. Verification or dismissal of the concepts rely upon independent study and sources. He sought to avoid being tainted by thought that could lead down the wrong path. 

 The concept struck Larz as a brilliant synopsis of the creative forces. An underlying system is proposed that is very economical. It is the relationship between numbers and geometric space that was most insightful. Combining these two aspects with elements presented  a viable picture of an infinite circuit. Applying a residual frequency  to the model seem to explain how the movement progresses.     

A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.
enlarge       Natural formation processes


Larz instantly recognized that the 3 6 9 principles could be applied to the ideas set forth. He then naturally extended the concept to encompass the creative forces. He found the roles of numbers to be captivating. All have multiple roles that meld into 9 at each level. The 1 is held in reserve to be the radial establishment within the created sphere. For instance, 4 is the quadrilateral grid that maps out the nature of of the duplicated sphere. Interactive base numbers are seen as containers. In the third rendition, 7 is the  trans dimensional operative transporting original instruction to the sphere. A simplistic model of nDNA replication operates through the vortex surface tension drive.

The relationship between the cylinder and sphere was focused on the space where the two structures glance off each other. It was interesting to see the action happening in the space between. A system emerges of two cubic octaves, like the double torus, that are spawned to achieve a  squared mirror. The eventuality of the these processes is physicality that masks the how of generation. He wondered if a chiral reflective fractal  initiates the process. Larz sat and watched the action reaction of the 33 degree star retrograde. The one third is the inner process while the two thirds are where the external manifestation is initiated. 

A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.
enlarge        basic 369 concept

Ultimately, man exists within a sphere of influence. It is much more literal than most people suspect. A Divinci rendition of the  Vitruvian Man has been a curiosity for generations. Larz had done a color tracing on a transparent sheet of his favorite nDNA model. Putting it upon various drawings was a muse that ate up all too much time, to his estimation. Of course only through emersion can a convert be totally indoctrinated. 

He noticed the angles and size of the print out matched. The internal process operated at right angles to the entity within the circle. The internal eye of Larz focused upon a three dimensional bubble. He pictured a butterfly fliting throughout the cosmos. He then considering outer space and the first task is to  formulate the geometric space to live in.  

Larz:   Lately there are some concepts that have stirred my imagination. They led to being in a bubble of sorts that can harbor life where ever it goes within a rectangular continuum.   

Shirley:   Looks like swords guarding the portals to outer space. The central one is the cross that the believers speak of ? Appropriate placement for creation to dwell.   

Larz:  Very good analogy with scriptural relevance. Notice the initial nDNA pairing on the right and on the left is the telomere.  

Shirley:   That is fun to imagine it undulating like a common flagella. Is the sword waving a white flag? 

Larz:   Ha! You have been around me too long. Yes, in this day and age I wouldn't doubt it. My impression is that it is an antenna. It is thought that there is a correlation between telomere length and longevity.     

Shirley:   Interesting, too bad our collective knowledge can barely fill a thimble.

Vibration and spin

The standing waves of alternate currents can be seen in the image below. Larz was playing with transparencies on top of a cross section of a carbon nanotube (CNT) he had drawn. The idea of sympathetic vibration was introduced by  John  Keeley in the late  1800's. As it goes, the father of modern atomic science is still distained by popular science. Yet, he is still way ahead of the game. Interesting how the atomic symbol he drew is a recognizable sign throughout the world.  

Larz found that the drawing upside down looked like a man running. So he did the usual, which is, consider the opposite of what is presented. The result reminded him in a strange way of the Vitruvian Man. The waves are consistently placed yet the circles are in a state of oscillation. The core of the entity inside is run by a natural pump.

When you consider the properties of a single CNT it is clear that the possibilities are endless. The snapshot he took came out as a gray translucent photon. Light emitting from the portal end of the generation process seemed appropriate. The legs, if you will, occur after the music scale progression. Larz felt that inspiration came from the feet of women and men. As the bright ideas generated proceed upward as an effusion of light. 

A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.
enlarge        underlying principles note
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